Many fans have specualted as to the future of Aaron Crandall and how he fits into the Wisconsin program. Traditionally Wisconsin has run a two scholarship goaltender system with a junior/freshman, or a senior/sophomore combination. It's worked out great and we've seen many goaltnders develop well in this sytem. The plan was to continue this trend next season with Scott Gudmandson taking the reighns as the #1 goaltender as a junior while Crandall is groomed for the role in the future. We learned in early February that Wisconsin will be throwing that system aside when it got a committment from transfer Brett Bennett who is killing it in the USHL this season. (He will be a junior next season at UW).
But what did Bennetts commitment mean for Crandall? Well many thought it would end his ties to Wisconsin, and according to message board poster "puckembucky" on the Buckyville message board, Crandall will not be coming to Wisconsin.
"i was told today by someone from the des moines buccaneers that goalie recruit aaron crandall is no longer comitted to bucky next year and that he has lost his scholarship...Keep in mind that this post sounded a bit sketchy and even says that they are looking for confirmation themselves. I definitely would not take this to the bank as a done deal. I'm sure Baggot will be all over this now that it has been out there on the internet. It certainly would not surprise me if this is true. I guess we will just have to sit back and wait and see what happens.
anyone else have this news confirmed?"