You might have noticed that the powers-that-be have decided that the officials will simply have numbers on their jerseys rather than names.
So that you can "offer your assistance" to the appropriate ref while enjoying the game, here's a list of their numbers. (Thanks to RichManitoba on buckyville for typing this out.)
At the KC opening weekend v. CC, we had the "pleasure" of watching Todd Anderson and Brad Shepherd. Brad must've gotten a promotion from Daddy, b/c last season he reffed the women's games and was an AR for the men's games.
3 -- Derek Shepherd
4 -- Todd Anderson
5 -- Justin Brown
7 -- Don Adam
8 -- Tom Sterns
9 -- C.J. Beaurline
10 -- Peter Friesema
11 -- Tim Walsh
12 -- Butch Mousseaux
14 -- Brian Thul
15 -- Marco Hunt
17 -- Craig Welker
18 -- Max Battimo
20 -- Brad Albers
22 -- Bill Mason
23 -- Matt Ulwelling
24 -- Jon Campion
25 -- Mike McCreary
27 -- Jonathan Morrison
29 -- Scott Bokal
31 -- Brett Klosowski
33 -- Brad Shepherd