Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Hockey Gods are Smiling

As many of you already, TCT is changing formats and will be a web-based publication. And I had been concerned about what this might mean for Badger Hockey coverage. My concern had been that Madison Newspapers might eliminate or decrease hockey coverage in TCT and rely on Andy Baggot's coverage in the WSJ. This would have been a mistake, as Baggot's and Milewski's efforts are rarely duplicate. In their columns during the week, they tend to write about different players and approach issues from different angles. Not to mention that I think Todd's coverage is always fantastic. In addition to his outstanding articles in TCT, he also has a lovely blog. (Yes, I'm spinning the wheel of adjectives here.) Plus, this season he had started providing some coverage of the Badger Women.

Anyway, I am pleased to bring you this from TCT:
Todd Milewski will still be tracking Badger men's hockey, where he has built a huge following among hockey fanatics on his blog "The Ice House."
Probably not a bad idea to email TCT letting them know how much you approve of this decision. We don't want them to change their minds!! According to the article, you can email them at Or you could email the following people: Paul Fanlund (, the managing editor, Judy Ettenhofer ( or the sports editor, Adam Mertz (
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