Friday, July 31, 2009

McDonagh confirms he'll play for Badgers this season

"I told [the Rangers] we had a strong team coming back [at UW] and another year of development would benefit me. They said they strongly believe in letting their prospects develop where they feel comfortable."
-- Ryan McDonagh
Ryan McDonagh had previously indicated that he'd be returning to the Badgers for his junior season, but after his rights were traded this summer there was a little bit of speculation that the change in his situation could affect his decision. Not a lot of speculation, but rather an acknowledgement that his situation had changed.

Yesterday, the Badgers released their 2009-10 roster, and McDonagh was included on the roster. Today, Andy Baggot has a blog post that confirms McDonagh's return.

Now, I know that nothing is completely assured until the season starts, but this sounds as close to certain as things could be.

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