Friday, April 9, 2010

INCH Player of the Year: Captain AssKicker

I know, I know, it's just INCH, but it's still cool. Even INCH can recognize the awesomeness of our fearless captain.

But then again, how could anyone not recognize the awesomeness of our Captain AssKicker? Going into the regionals, I had a feeling about the Badgers, and it hinged off my belief in 2 players -- Blake Geoffrion and Mike Davies. They've really been clutch for the Badgers, especially in the latter half of the season, and as far as I'm concerned, if you can't believe in Geoffrion and Davies, I honestly don't know what you could believe in. I'll admit that I might be slightly unbalanced when it comes to Badger Hockey, lol, and so feel free to call me crazy, but it seems to me there's an air of destiny around Captain Asskicker.

Now before my new friend IHateRedWings has a stroke, let me state that under no circumstances am I going to predict the outcome of Saturday's game. Having the guy next to me (not Mr 60, just some random hockey fan sitting on the other side of me) say something about a shutout last night was bad enough, gah, if IHRW was there I think he would've had a serious talking-to with that guy.

Anyway, getting back to INCH, they also named Brendan Smith their Defenseman of the Year. NICE!

Speaking of stellar defenseman, I'd like to digress a bit and take this opportunity to give some love to Ryan McDonagh. After the West Regionals, I meant to post about his being named to the all-tourney team, but I never got around to it. Which is terrible on my part (my apologies to Ryan McDonagh fans everywhere), because I was quite pleased to see McD recognized. With all the hype around Brendan Smith, it's a bit unfortunate that McD hasn't gotten more recognition. From a pure defensive standpoint, he's probably the best defenseman on the team; he's just plain rock solid.

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