Monday, November 3, 2008

It's a Great Day for Hockey!

I stumbled upon this website today by complete chance and I think it needs to be broadcast to all Badger Hockey fans: It appears a book is being created to tell the legend of Badger Bob Johnson, from the fans prespective.

Here is what the website has to say:

It's difficult to believe that it's been more than 15 years since one of the truly great motivators and most successful ice hockey coaches of our time left us. But without question, his legend lives on today in the form of a gift he gave us all - eternal optimism. This is the rare quality that made him much more than an incredibly successful hockey coach - it's what set him apart in the world of coaching. Like UCLA's John Wooden and Green Bay's Vince Lombardi, Bob Johnson was more than a coach - he was an inspiration.

Badger Bob's story cannot possibly be told by one person. And this is where we need your help. Our plan is to put together a book that captures the essence of a man that inspired tens of millions of people around the world to achieve what they never before believed possible. Not just in hockey - but in life. And we need you to share your own personal story that shows how Badger Bob positively influenced your life in a lasting way.

Your stories - and those of hundreds of others around the world - will be collected and edited into a book that will show - not tell - the story of Badger Bob. Please help us build a lasting tribute to a man who gave much more than he took. Click here to contact us with your story.

The authors for the book are former assistant Tom Osenton and Bob's son Peter Johnson.

Tom recalls his own story of why Badger Bob was so great.
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